Run Timing Service

For the past several years, BestRunners has been conducting annual 5k runs and accumulating an inventory of race-related equipment and extensive experience in timing race events. With the experience gained in our own races, we would like to share our knowledge and provide affordable and cost-effective race timing solution to other charity organizations for free.

BestRunners accept a donation of $500 for this service towards setup cost and every member who is involved with this activity volunteers his or her time. 100% of the donation goes to support our ongoing goals. Under this agreement, BR ( will be providing timing and scoring services only and not race management services or logistics for the race. Under the terms of this agreement:

BR provides:

Event provides:

BestRunners will be taking utmost care to capture the start and finish time of every participant. In the event of any unforeseen malfunction of the system, BestRunners will be happy to provide the entire service free of donation. Event organization will be responsible for any accident or issue
or claim resulting out of wearable shoe tag. A receipt will be provided to any donation for our free service.